Résumé Tips
More concise and less wordy is always best! Your résumé is your calling card and your golden ticket to an interview.
Recruiters and other placement professionals will often contact you based upon their review of your résumé. Keep your résumé short (one page if possible, no more than two). Always keep your résumé with you – carry it in your car. You never know when there might be the opportunity to hand it to an interested contact or maybe even to a hiring manager. Well-worded résumés still serve an important function in your job search. Whether you’re applying for online jobs, submitting to job agencies, or applying to companies directly, a great résumé is fundamental.

Below are some items that should be omitted from your résumé:
1. Objective
Hiring managers will simply skim over your personal objectives. They care about your skill set and whether you can do the job. Your objective may not match the employer’s objective and putting it front and center can possibly spoil your chances for an interview.
2. Your address
There is no need to disclose your address. Some things are better when kept confidential. Your residence is something that can and will likely be discussed during the interview. Your email address and phone number will allow employers the information they need to make contact with you.
3. Irrelevant experience
If you are applying for a position in the legal field, include only those items that relate to the job you seek. There is no need to include everything you’ve ever done in life. Keep it short, simple and relevant.
4. Your photo
Do not include your photo. It’s important to keep your job search professional.
5. Misspellings and grammatical errors
Let a few sets of eyes proofread your résumé before you submit it anywhere. A recruiter or staffing professional can be the perfect person to ensure your résumé is the perfect representation of you.